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Absolute value
Practice Problems
Answer Key

Table of Contents


Absolute value refers to how far a number is from zero on the number line, meaning it will always be positive.

The absolute value of 2 is 2 since its distance from zero is 2.

The absolute value of -2 is also 2 since its distance from zero is 2.

Absolute value is denoted by two vertical bars surrounding the expression or number. The absolute value of \(-12\) would be denoted as \(|-12| = 12\).

All that's important to remember is that anything inside the bars will become positive.

[fs-toc-h2]Solving equations

The easiest way to solve for a variable inside absolute value bars is to set that equation equal to both the positive and negative counterparts of the answer. For example, take the equation \(|x+3| = 7\).

To find both solutions to this equation, set \(x+3\) equal to 7 and \(-7\):

\[x+3 = 7\]

\[x = 4\]

\[ \text{and} \]

\[x + 3 = -7\]

\[x = -10\]

So the two solutions to \(|x+3| = 7\) are 4 and -10.

[fs-toc-h4] Example 1

Whenever given an absolute value equation, always move everything outside of the absolute value bars to the other side of the equal sign.

\[|n-1| + 1 = 0\]

\[|n-1| = -1\]

Now we have one side that is all contained within an absolute value and one side that is a negative number. The issue is that no matter what is within the bars, the answer to any absolute value equation MUST be positive. Here it's \(-1\), meaning that there is no possible value for \(n\), making answer choice D the correct answer.

[fs-toc-h4] Example 2

This question is quite similar to the last one. If we were to set answer choices B, C, and D equal to zero and subtract the one on the outside, you’d have an absolute value equaling a negative number, which gives us no solution.

This means that the only one that could have some value of \(x\) make the equation equal zero is answer choice A, as you end up with \(|x-1| = 1\), a positive number.

For more on absolute value, watch this.

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